
Flute Discussions

Traversières Interview with Jane Rutter~Flute

Jane is interviewed by French Flutist Olivier Pedan for France’s premier flute magazine. Renowned for her quicksilver technique, onstage warmth, musical imagination and audience rapport, Jane’s theatricality and musicianship have been recognised by her peers and elders as pushing the boundaries of the French Flute school.

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Flute Discussions

Meditation Music with Flute for Australia

I recognise that for many, Australia Day is ’Survival’ or ’Invasion Day’ — a day of mourning. I hope music can help provide a voice of hope and reconciliation, a ‘bridge of understanding’. 

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Karnak Rainforest Sanctuary, QLD

The Flute & My Musical Approach to the Artistic Moment

Through my compositions, my music, my art & my flute, I seek to connect everything in the universe. My musical approach to the artistic moment is conveyed in ‘Syrinx at the Waterhole Karnak’ (from my album Flute Spirit: Dreams and Meditations)

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Digital Concert Hall, Melbourne

Relaxing Piano Music with Flute for Romance & Refection Revisited

Listening to relaxing piano music with the beautiful flute sounds is fast becoming a popular mental health tonic in these challenging times, due to its proven ability to stimulate alpha brain waves. I released my first solo album, Nocturnes and Preludes for Flute with legendary pianist Gerard Willems, I had the intention of creating a mental health tonic to de-stress and relax music lovers.

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sydney concert
Flute Discussions

Sydney Concert Highlights, Flute Cocktails & Corona

We musicians are self-sufficient: as a flutist I have always spent a significant amount of time on my own practising joyfully every day. This more placid pace has afforded me extra time… It’s also provided me the opportunity to work on projects I’d set aside due to my frenetic existence.

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peter cousens
Sydney Opera House

Peter Cousens: A Perfect Blend of Voice and Flute Music

Peter Cousens is a singer who is a natural musician. A singer who open their mouths and without artifice or ego, the music just pours out. Speaking of flute fun: Check out  Evening Stars team Flute and Voice having a flute-versus voice warm-up before a concert.

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