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I found this little video from the past: Diane Cilento dances. Jane Rutter plays flute!
Jane Rutter & Diane Cilento Dance!
When I reflect upon the gifts my mentors have given me over the years, I feel incredibly grateful. (Amongst other mentors my flute teachers: Victor McMahon, Margaret Crawford, Don Burrows, Michael Scott, Raymond Guiot, Alain Marion and Jean Pierre Rampal). As a young woman, I met the inimitable Diane Cilento, who during her life guided me on many different paths of inspiration.
The flute music piece is called ‘blo’ from album Titania’s Dream, commissioned by Diane for her production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream (in which I played Titania & wrote the incidental music). Diane helped me theatrically, artistically & in many ways spiritually. A sounding board for my flute compositions, flute concerts, ideas for flute meditation albums she always encouraged me to be a Renaissance Woman, to follow my own path.
Fun Rehearsal at the Karnak Playhouse FNQ, Australia
The Karnak Playhouse and Rainforest Sanctuary FNQ became a second home to me. It was Diane who suggested I use the Rumi Poem Listen to the Reed as an introduction to Syrinx. I love to see her dancing in this clip-She’s in her 70’s so filled with a love of life (at one of the legendary dinners on the Ritz Verandah, at her beloved Karnak) She is so truly missed. Karnak has a gentle Re-Awakening Open Day.
Karnak Re Awakens Open Day FB Its on Aug 26 2017 10-4pm.
See you there! 🙂

Touching tribute, have fun at Karnak