Sydney Concert Highlights and my New Flute Cocktail series.
During lock down, first off I created a past Sydney Concert Highlights Video on YouTube. If you have some free time please watch it – from my popular lunch hour Sydney Concert series in Live at Lunch at The Concourse, Chatswood. Even though some of the video is from archival footage, I thoroughly enjoyed reviewing the brilliant performances of my colleagues. Appreciate their generosity in giving their permission.
Check out the stellar line-up:
Teddy Tahu Rhodes
David Hobson
Simon Tedeschi
Tamara Anna Cislowska
Taryn Fiebig
Soprano & Cello
Elena Kats-Chernin
Amelia Farrugia
David Hobson
Teddy Tahu Rhodes
David Hobson
Teddy Tahu Rhodes~Baritone, David Hobson~Tenor, Simon Tedeschi~Piano, Tamara Anna Cislowska~Piano, Taryn Fiebig~Soprano & Cello, Elena Kats-Chernin~Piano, Amelia Farrugia~Soprano, Peter Cousens~Tenor, Catherine Bouchier~Soprano, Marcello Maio~Accordion & Piano, Giuseppe Zangari~Classical Guitarist, Bertie Rutter Boekemann~Voice & Guitar, Susan Blake~Cello, Matt Bruce~Violin, Acacia Quartet, Monika Kornel~Harpsichord, Jane Rutter~Flute, Willoughby Symphony Chamber Players with pianists John Martin & Vincent Colagiuri.
I’m planning to post more of these online concerts

‘Flute Cocktails’ was an idea that came to me on a plane.
Dubai – Sydney in early March. When the Corona virus hit, I was fortunate enough to fly home to Australia with in a few days of lockdown. Apart from not boarding a plane nearly every week, and not spending a significant amount of time performing flute concerts in Sydney onstage. My life has not changed a great deal since Covid-19, as an Aussie-I am so lucky and feel so blessed.
We musicians are self-sufficient: as a flutist I have always spent a significant amount of time on my own practising joyfully every day. This more placid pace has afforded me extra time… It’s also provided me the opportunity to work on projects I’d set aside due to my frenetic existence.
I have created huge amount of content in the last few years, several flute recordings not yet released. Many of filmed Sydney concerts not yet edited-or even archived, two children’s stories…
~21 days ago I began a series called Flute Cocktails 🍹on Instagram & my FB page
6pm Sydney time each day – I post a video of my flute music to help you unwind.
~I’ve recently posted online flute lessons assist flute teachers & flute students 🎵
A quieter and peaceful life since COVID 19.

I spend hours every day on flute practice, while I swim and meditate. Lately I’ve been enjoying meditating after doing a Wim Hof session Wim Hof breathing with OM. It’s an amazing technique which assists health and achieving a meditative state. Highly recommend it. (BTW since I started this practice, my record for holding my breath is 3′ 40 seconds! -something I could never have previously even imagined-even as a trained flute player).
Apart from the chaos the virus has thrown the world into, and the appalling loss of many lives. I have enjoyed a quieter, more peaceful life since Covid 19 .
Sydney Concert Highlights
Flute lesson re: Sound & Marcel Moyse Art of Sonority Exercise 1
✨ Applying Marcel Moyse Art of Sonority Exercise 1: A short flute lesson on sound & applying this exercise. From the French Flute School POV, it’s SO important to practice sound. This exercise-applied properly-is solid gold (helps you to know where every note ‘lives’). It’s been an important stepping stone for all of my flute students. Many of whom have gone on to great professional careers. At the end of the clip, a few bars of a Chopin Nocturne which you can hear in full. Here are the links below if you go to my facebook page-link in profile).
✨ Spotify
✨ Flute Lesson on Sound Exercise 2 . As with lesson 1, this exercise-applied properly-helps you with intonation & to know where every note ‘lives’. It’s been an important stepping stone for ALL of my flute students, many of whom have gone on to great professional careers. Hang in there fellow flautists, friends & music lovers… In this weird time of isolation-we musicians are SO lucky to have our instruments as our friends. Take advantage of any spare time to practice it will bring you much joy. 😃
More flute lessons flute cocktails & relaxing flute music on the way!
For a signed copy of the CD purchase here

Still love Song of India, while I was enjoying a moment in the sun listening to it, I realised you might have added to your blog.