The Camelot Lounge, Sydney 1 Feb 2018
FLUTE ALORS! Back by popular demand-with even more Fabulous French Flute Music & Chansons Françaises, I’ll be accompanied by the very talented Marcello Maio, Accordion, and Pianist Extraordinaire, John Martin.
The Soirée includes French Baroque, French Tangos, and pieces by Piaf, Aznavour, Poulenc, Claude Bolling, Michel Legrand, Chopin, Mancini (Victor Victoria), Cole Porter & more.
If you missed the show in 2017 (we had a ball!), come have a glass of bubbly & celebrate all things French with us in 2018!

France has a wonderful history of Theatre, Music and Cabaret, including Variété (a sort of mash-up of all three), which is often pitched in an indulgent way to ‘the common man’. (The last Variété I saw (Paris, 2008), had everything-even including a sort of modern of ‘Tableau Vivant‘.
Reaching out to the people (audiences) and crossing cultural barriers is a French tradition which is found also in the flute playing philosophy of my flute teachers, Jean-Pierre Rampal and Alain Marion. Within the Rampal Flute School sound, there is song: We have an intention to imitate the human voice, a desire to be inclusive, (traverser la barriere), to cross musical boundaries.
When I became an ‘overnight sensation’ in Australia (LOL: in fact it was a long road-many years of hard work to attain ‘flute stardom/household name status’), paramount were my Classical French Flute skills, but also during this time, I began to follow my dream to pursue Cabaret and Music Theatre, starting with my one-woman shows Lip Service and Tutti-Flutti at Sydneys’ iconic Tilbury Hotel and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. (Both shows directed, staged and co-written by the legendary David Mitchell and Robyn Moase). I also had the occasional hilarious guest spot with transgender drag star, Simone Troy.

I was reminded late last year in Concert-Cabaret at the Camelot Lounge, Marrickville, Sydney, that one of my great loves is indeed Cabaret. I love the immediacy, the access to the crowd, the close, coloured stage-lights, the subtle clink of champagne glasses, the expectation of humour and social comment, and the slightly-smoky, late-night intimacy which is only possible in a boîte de nuit.

When I first hit the scene as a flute soloist, The Weekend Australian Magazine put me on their cover, and dubbed me the Bette Midler of the flute, a ‘Classical Siren’. Since then I’ve been described as the ‘Madonna’/’Nigel Kennedy’/’Yo-Yo Ma’ (plus a few others) of the flute! Of course, I prefer to think I’ve remained true to myself, and in correct Aussie/French style, over the years I’ve borrowed that which I’ve needed in order to define myself, thus in some ways creating my own genre, (Ha! ‘Be yourself! There’s no-one better qualified…’). It has irritated various agents that I’m unable and refuse to be pigeon-holed.

Midler is one of my heroes-as are Joan Sutherland, Ella Fitzgerald, Jean-Pierre Rampal, Maxence Larrieu Leonard Bernstein, Alain Marion, Raymond Guiot, Sylvie Guillem, Claude Bolling, Edith Piaf, and many others.
I was thrilled at the success of my return to Cabaret after a few years break. My belief: that it’s the birthright of all to have access to Fine Music. No snobbery-just a great time. Musical connection in the context of conviviality. Please join me as I celebrate diversity through French music at The Camelot Lounge on February 1 2018, my first Sydney performance of the year…
Vive la France!
Jane Rutter is …’The Divine Miss R’ : She’s a classical siren in whose hands the flute becomes and instrument of seduction and sensual pleasure -The Weekend Australian Magazine (Cover Story)
YOUTUBE LINK CLICK HERE: Mash-Up of Hilarious The French Song & Classical Flute version of La Vie en Rose
Watch Video
[wp-video-popup video=”http://youtu.be/jX4-qjNom7c”]