I was involved in the gentle Reawakening Open Day last week at the late Diane Cilento’s Karnak Playhouse Far North Queensland. So thrilled to see such a big turnout, the day involved brilliant activities and circus performances by members of Wilde Applause Creative Productions, three talks by Giovanna Cilento Volpe and myself and three flute performances. Hearing the sound of my flute playing reverberating in the beautiful acoustics of the venue, (and around the tropical rainforest) is always magical. Frogs croaking, the gentle sounds of nature everywhere Karnak FNQ is so beautiful. I had an amazing experience in which I played an echoing bamboo flute whilst swimming in the middle of the Rainforest lake (felt like a real live Syrinx from Ovid’s Metamorphosis in which Pan discovers the flute).
Check out my youtube video of this magic moment. Bamboo Flute Meditation in Rainforest Lake
I am always artistically encouraged and inspired as a flute player whenever I’m in nature-or place of great beauty. Diane Cilento created the Karnak Playhouse and Rainforest Sanctuary as a special spiritual retreat for artistic personalities to replenish and further their creative/esoteric studies. Actress, Director & Sufi guide, Diane taught me many meditation practices.

The future vision for Karnak: A nurturing environment for creativity in live performance and other artistic activities. It will engage local community, the wider Australian community and the International community- an Australian Tanglewood for the Arts, with a special focus on young people, Karnak’s environment and credo will encourage All to be at one with nature, with the understanding that live performance is different to that which takes place on screen. A focus on the real world.
If you are not on my email newsletter list, please subscribe so I can stay in touch with up-to-date flute news and activities. Below a copy of my latest newsletter:
NEWSLETTER Spring News from a Flute Muse! New Album! New Website! New Online Recording Store
Spring has sprung! With the Twitter of the Birds and the murmuring of the breeze, let the sound of my flute take you to a place of renewal!
From touring and the Live At Lunch Concert Series at The Concourse to recent performances in India, and at the newly re-awakened Karnak Playhouse Queensland.

The year is proving fruitful (should I say fluteful) for me. Next Live at Lunch: Wed Sep 15. The Painted Piano & the Golden Flute with Kevin Hunt & SimonTedeschi Live at Lunch The Concourse Concerts
Great news for the new season:
I’ve reunited with ex-POSH buddy jazz guitarist/composer John Huie and bassist Hugh Fraser to bring you an album of original Australian World Music fused with traditional Chinese ‘Red Grass’ pieces and Arabic/Indian influenced music. ‘Third Culture’ is a term referring to multi-cultural children who spent a significant part of their formative years outside their parents’ culture, merging their birth culture with their adopted culture. The album’s music represents a similar union of diverse styles, marrying Classical & Non-classical music from around the world, best-loved melodies from different cultures and ‘chamber-jazz fusion’. The album was launched recently in Sydney with a wonderful unplugged concert presented by Writer/DJ John Doyle you can buy it here. Third Culture Jane Rutter Album
Have a Little Listen Third Culture Flute Album Excerpts Soundcloud
NEW WEBSITE www.janerutter.com is now live & happening. Check it out! Flute Activities! Concerts! Flute Blog! Book a Master-class, Flute Lesson, Corporate Performance & more.
2017 sees the bulk of my recording catalogue moved to MGM Distribution, Australia, who are world leaders in physical & online music distribution. Some of my catalogue happily remains with ABC Classics. You’ll find me on iTunes but please check out my store Jane Rutter Albums CDS
I look forward to seeing you at my upcoming concerts (with Simon Tedeschi, Tamara-Anna Cislowska, The Acacia Quartet, Teddy Tahu Rhodes, Cheryl Barker, in my solo recitals, and on line!
If you’d like to book me for a Concert, Corporate performance, Masterclass, as a Public speaker or even for a skype flute lesson, please send an email to bookings at janerutter.com
Have a wonderful ‘Time of Renewal’ this Spring
Jane 🙂