Flute Sound: French Flute Practice Techniques. Marcel Moyse & Altès Flute Studies.
On a technical level my advice for an effective practice routine.
On a technical level my advice for an effective practice routine.
French Flute and Submarines. Music: The Language of Diplomacy.. ‘Donnez-moi break? Mais Non! Donnez-moi un concert…’
Peter Cousens is a singer who is a natural musician. A singer who open their mouths and without artifice or ego, the music just pours out. Speaking of flute fun: Check out Evening Stars team Flute and Voice having a flute-versus voice warm-up before a concert.
The last few months have been quite hectic for me. I don’t know if any of you flute players / musicians have the same issue, but I always seem to gravitate to a quick Instagram post or a quick Facebook post, rather than spending time on my flute blog.
There is something about Latin flute music – music from Latin cultures, that resonates in me… perhaps being an Australian flute player it is the feeling of warmth and sunshine in the sound. In my early days as a chamber musician in the group Posh-I was inspired by, and playing the Latin rhythms of composer John Huie. I love to dance and when I dance, my favourite music to dance to is Latin flute music!
There is considerable controversy around Australia Day, and I have empathy with those who are upset by the date, its title and the dark side of what it represents. Nonetheless, having been asked for a number of years as a flutist to participate as an Australia Day Ambassador, I felt honoured to accept.
Last week I attended the dazzling opening VIP party of the Maison Cartier Exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia (for whom I will perform a solo French Flute concert titled
MADAME FLUTE! FRENCH CLASSICAL CABARET The Camelot Lounge, Sydney 1 Feb 2018 FLUTE ALORS! Back by popular demand-with even more Fabulous French Flute Music & Chansons Françaises, I’ll be accompanied
Two days ago I again performed French music – Claude Bolling, Piaf, Poulenc, Faure, Michel Legrand, Offenbach & more in a flute Cabaret Parisien at Sydney’s fabulous Live Music venue,
I was involved in the gentle Reawakening Open Day last week at the late Diane Cilento’s Karnak Playhouse Far North Queensland. So thrilled to see such a big turnout, the day involved brilliant activities and circus performances by members of Wilde Applause Creative Productions, three talks by Giovanna Cilento Volpe and myself and three flute performances.
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