The Last Post Flute on Anzac Day Concert Special
The Anzac Day Concert and Sunset Festival will be a deeply moving ceremony. I will be performing at The Sydney Town Hall with the release of The Last Post Flute and Didgeridoo meditation.
The Anzac Day Concert and Sunset Festival will be a deeply moving ceremony. I will be performing at The Sydney Town Hall with the release of The Last Post Flute and Didgeridoo meditation.
Through my compositions, my music, my art & my flute, I seek to connect everything in the universe. My musical approach to the artistic moment is conveyed in ‘Syrinx at the Waterhole Karnak’ (from my album Flute Spirit: Dreams and Meditations)
Listening to relaxing piano music with the beautiful flute sounds is fast becoming a popular mental health tonic in these challenging times, due to its proven ability to stimulate alpha brain waves. I released my first solo album, Nocturnes and Preludes for Flute with legendary pianist Gerard Willems, I had the intention of creating a mental health tonic to de-stress and relax music lovers.
The last few months have been quite hectic for me. I don’t know if any of you flute players / musicians have the same issue, but I always seem to gravitate to a quick Instagram post or a quick Facebook post, rather than spending time on my flute blog.
There is something about Latin flute music – music from Latin cultures, that resonates in me… perhaps being an Australian flute player it is the feeling of warmth and sunshine in the sound. In my early days as a chamber musician in the group Posh-I was inspired by, and playing the Latin rhythms of composer John Huie. I love to dance and when I dance, my favourite music to dance to is Latin flute music!
There is considerable controversy around Australia Day, and I have empathy with those who are upset by the date, its title and the dark side of what it represents. Nonetheless, having been asked for a number of years as a flutist to participate as an Australia Day Ambassador, I felt honoured to accept.
Last week I attended the dazzling opening VIP party of the Maison Cartier Exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia (for whom I will perform a solo French Flute concert titled
I was involved in the gentle Reawakening Open Day last week at the late Diane Cilento’s Karnak Playhouse Far North Queensland. So thrilled to see such a big turnout, the day involved brilliant activities and circus performances by members of Wilde Applause Creative Productions, three talks by Giovanna Cilento Volpe and myself and three flute performances.
Great teachers can hand one the path to one’s destiny! This was the case with my French flute teacher, the wonderful Alain Marion. As with so many of his students, Alain became my guru-not just for the flute, but for living, for appreciation, for art, for food, everything.
As a young woman, I met the inimitable Diane Cilento, who during her life guided me on many different paths of inspiration. The flute music piece is called ‘blo’ from album Titania’s Dream, commissioned by Diane for her production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
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